Because 1 in 7 dogs are affected by dog attacks
West & Jones
Protective Dog Clothing
Dog Armour
Trusted by Dog Lovers
Military grade fabric design and engineered to minimise injures
Customer Testimonies
Indestructible Dog Beds
As close to an indestructible dog bed
The strongest dog bed probably on the market
Tough Fabric
What other dog bed can survive six hours of chewing & still look like this?
Different, Supportive Mattress Types
Dogs sleep on average 16 hours a day, so even the most destructive dog need to be comfortable
Strongest Dog Bed
No other dog bed on the market is probably as strong as our's
Our Vocation
Our Journey to Save Dogs' Lives
"After my dog was attacked in a dog attack, I did not want another dog or human going through the physical, emotional & finical trauma of a dog attack or injury."
Lucy West LLB